(奧運站)學鋼琴首選,全職教授初級至演奏級鋼琴、五級及八級樂理、流行鋼琴、流行曲、詩歌、自彈自唱 、伴奏等課程,教學豐富,學生年齡層由幼稚園學生至長青,學生考試成績100%全及格,更有80%考獲優異(Distinction)及優良(Merit)好成績

資深導師 Miss Wong持鋼琴演奏級文憑/鋼琴教學法證書/教學及專業音樂課程證書,更擁有十幾年教學經驗,學生考試成績100%全及格,更超過80%獲取優異(Distinction)及優良(Merit)好成績,學生年齡層由幼稚園學生至長青,現教授初級至演奏級鋼琴,五級及八級樂理,流行鋼琴等課程,暑期報名更有優惠

資深導師 Miss Wong擁有十幾年教學經驗,學生考試成績達100%及格率 ,更超過80%獲取優異 (Distinction)及優良(Merit)好成績,學生年齡層由幼稚園學生至長青【持演奏級文憑/鋼琴教學法證書/教學及專業音樂課程證書】 現教授初級 至演奏級鋼琴,五級及八級樂理,流行鋼琴等課程
音樂 / 教學進修Miss Wong

HP ENVY 5540 e-All-in-One Printer 全新未開箱 原價$898 現售$580 地鐵沿線交收, 如旺角/油麻地/奧運站可減價$30 產品介紹: http://www8.hp.com/hk/zh/products/printers/product-detail.html?oid=7234992#!tab=specs

提供印度彩繪短暫性紋身( Henna Tattoo / Mendhi ) 服務及教學、Henna材料訂購,承接大小活動Event , Party, Christmas聖誕節,.../ 商場活動 /社區活動/手工藝班/暑期活動/ 少數族裔結婚新娘人體彩繪
美容 / 教學進修www.art-de.net


Baby Products嬰兒用品

We offers a wide range of products including artificial trees with natural trunks & plant with pot etc.
D鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽DB Plants Manufacturing Co Ltd

提供印度彩繪短暫性紋身( Henna Tattoo / Mendhi ) 服務及教學、Henna材料訂購,承接大小活動Event , Party, Christmas聖誕節,.../ 商場活動 /社區活動/手工藝班/暑期活動/ 少數族裔結婚新娘人體彩繪
美容 / 教學進修www.art-de.net

Tropical plants for lease or sale with over 200 plants to choose from reliable with acceptable price Deluxe noble Christmas trees from America
L鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Lee Wing Kee Florist & Gardeners

The Company has initiated to offer a 2-year guarantee services indicating its confidence in the products and to satisfy the needs of all its customers.
C汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠China Kong Auto Body Builders

Vaptio,Inc is an e-cigarette manufacture company providing top quality electronic vaping products
v商業 / 商業優惠vaptio123

Customer service representatives typically listen and respond to customers’ needs and concerns, provide information about products and services, take orders, determine charges, and oversee billing

We do amazing and professional photos, assist you to promote products & spread up your company.
攝影及影音 / 攝影AIMax Productions 大同制作

I am professional in product design and I have over 7 years solid experience in product design, especially designing European style, US style electronic and electrical products.
設計 / 產品設計Dean Chan
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